Positions - SCOPE

Surface-COnfined fast-modulated Plasma for process and Energy intensification in small molecules conversion
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For the starting year of the ACCESS Doctorate (36 cycle) the selection procedure has been concluded a
The following three students will start their activities on November 1st, 2020.
·         Abramo Francesco Pio
·         De Pasquale Luana
·         Verduci Rosaria
One position at Univ. Antwerp and one at TUe also started in 2021 (UANT side, Wanten Bart, and from TUe side Palma Giovanni)
Tis was will be the first nucleous of PhD students working in the frame of ACCESS Doctorate in close collaboration with the SCOPE project.

Following the XXXVI cycle, the XXXVII (3/) cycle started in Oct. 2021, with two additional PhD students granted by UniME SCOPE funds (Victor Longo and Palmarita De Moro).

The accreditation procedure for the XXXVII (38) cycle, beginning Nov. 2022, is in progress.

ERC Synergy SCOPE ID# 810182
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