Ambitious and Synergy - SCOPE

Surface-COnfined fast-modulated Plasma for process and Energy intensification in small molecules conversion
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Ambitious and Synergy

The SCOPE project develops a new perspective in chemical (industrial) synthesis of large-volume products, by developing a novel approach in catalyst-plasma symbiosis to enhance selectivity and energy efficiency above 70-80% in the highly-challenging target reactions. An increase in NOx yield from 2 to 10% will double the GWP saving from 19 to 37. The novel concepts may also be applied to other relevant reactions. Crucial in this project is the investigation in parallel of the multiscale aspects related to novel process development. This stresses the synergy and added-value of the project. To remark how the scientific development operates in synergy with sustainability-driven assessment; advanced LCA methodologies are used for ex-ante process-option analysis in view of forecasting radically new, emerging options (windows of opportunity) to challenge megatrends in energy and food, rather than only making traditional post-assessment.

ERC Synergy SCOPE ID# 810182
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