Fast-modulated plasma for energy intensification
ERC Synergy project 810182 (SCOPE), from April 1st, 2019 to March 31th, 2025

With the global energy crisis intensifying, the need for renewable resources is greater than ever. The SCOPE project introduces a ground-breaking approach that uses renewable energy in three major industrial reactions. Non-thermal plasma could potentially convert small, low reactive molecules under near ambient temperatures and pressures. This is turn produces a marked drop in carbon footprints by as much as 90 per cent. The project aims to pursue a highly innovative approach providing for non-thermal plasma symbiosis with catalysis. SCOPE also introduces a fully new concept of nano- and micro-plasma array through a novel electrode design that generates the plasma at the catalyst surface, helping overcome long distance transport.

Gabriele CENTI Annemie BOGAERTS Evgeny REBROV Volker HESSEL
click on the photos to access to their personal research pages

- UCRA 2022: Second International Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications, 21-23 September 2022 in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, UK, organized by E. Rebrov, one of the SCOPE PIs and with contributions of all SCOPE PIs. A physical meeting of the partecipations to the SCOPE project will be held after the end of the conference.
- We have completed the third year of the projet, see the Summary page to have an overview
- In progress the accreditation of the International Doctorate ACCESS stemming from the SCOPE project for the 38th cycle (following Italian Doctorate regulations)
- Warwick-Adelaide joint doctorate agreement started