Results > Progress 1st Period

Additional dissemination/communication/outreach activities to those in dissemination of results
- realization of various press releases and public communications regarding the start of the project; in total about 10 press releases and public communications
- various plenary, keynote and invited lecture by PIs at international conferences on aspects related to the project (in total over 30 lectures in the 1st reporting period with over 6000 attendants in total, listed in summary)
- dissemination in industry-oriented journals, for example cPI "The Catalyst Review" Oct. 2020 "Catalysis to Go Beyond the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Dream or an Effective Possibility?"
- start of a spinoff company (D-CRBN) on plasma technology for CO2 conversion. A. Bogaerts is co-founder, shareholder and member of the Board of Directors
- presentation at conferences of results regarding the project (however, with many of them planned, but cancelled due to pandemic situation); see also above invited lectures
- participation in core boards of scientific large initiatives, such as Sunergy (cPI), to promote the area of plasma-catalysis and benefits for society of this technology
- contribution to the preparation of relevant EU and national documents. cPI: (1) report on the European Strategy for Hydrogen (European Parliament), Oct. 2020; (2) SIRI: Strategy for the Italian Research on Hydrogen (Oct. 2020, Italian Ministery of University and Research)
- realization by two PIs of a roadmap on plasma-catalysis (cPI, PI1)
- editing of special journal issues on aspects related to plasma-catalysis: (a) I3 guest editor of the Special Issue on Nitrogen Fixation in Plasma: From Fundamentals to Sustainability, Journal of Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, (b) PI1 guest Editor for The 2020 Plasma Catalysis Roadmap (J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys)
- publication of a book (cPI) on aspects related to the project: Catalysis, Green Chemistry and Sustainable Energy (A. Basile, G. Centi, M. De Falco, G. Iaquaniello Eds), Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis (Elsevier Science), Vol. 179, Nov. 2019, ISBN: 9780444643377
- several outreach activities by I3, for example https://www.adelaide.edu.au/research/ system/files/media/documents/2020-10/in-sight-2020.pdf, https://www.chemicalprocessing.com/articles/2019/cold-plasma-gets-a-closer-look/, https://www.engineernewsnetwork.com/blog/turning-carbon-dioxide-into-fuels/
- Prof. Hessel made a magazine contribution about SCOPE in the first-ever issue of the EURAXESS issue of Australia and New Zealand, headlining it. The University of Adelaide has put the SCOPE concept of Prof. Hessel as second story in its Times-Higher-Education Supplement document on research promotion.
- training courses related to the project: PI2: an 8h lectures on the topic “Not thermal plasma” in MSc course 6EMA01 “Microflow chemistry and processes” in Eindhoven university. This course was attended by 66 master students.
Important actions regarding the implementation of synergy is the realization of two joint international Doctorates:
- the first is the Doctorate ACCESS (Advanced Catalytic Processes for using Renewable Energy Sources), accredited as International and Intersectorial (industrial) Innovative Doctorate Course from the Italian Ministry of University and Research, and stemming directly from the ERC Synergy SCOPE. The Consortium involves UniME, UANT and TUe, and the company NEXTCHEM, while UNIWAR and UoA PIs participate in the Doctorate Board. The procedure necessary to start the Doctorate make possible to start it only from 1st November 2020.
- the second is a joint Doctorate between UniWAR and UoA for PhD students in co-tutelle