Torna alla pagina Eventi 2022 - Seminari BIOMORF
27 aprile 2022 ore 17.00
Aula Magna "Mario Teti" della Torre Biologica (Pad.G) A.O.U. Policlinico "G. Martino" & Microsoft Teams
Prof. Sergio Baldari
(Direttore Dipartimento BIOMORF)
Prof. Andrea d’Avella
(Coordinatore Commissione Ricerca e Terza Missione BIOMORF e proponente del Visiting
Prof.ssa Dagmar Sternad - Visting Researcher
Departments of Biology, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Physics, Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Complex Systems Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA
"Movement (Dys-) Coordination: A Computational Approach as Foundation for Clinical Insights"